Equipping Everyone for Ministry and Maturity (Ephesians 4:12)
Giving is the Christian's response to God's gracious provision.
Besides the collection on Sunday via cash or cheque, we have made available the option of digital transfer.
1. You may make a transfer by scanning the QR Codes below.
2. Or you may do an online banking transfer. Please leave your name in the comments section and specify either "English" or "Chinese". If you want to be more specific about which ministry you would like your offering to go to, you can also write it in the comment when you make the bank transfer. E.g. “Building” or “Riau Mission”
This is our bank details:
General Fund - DBS Bank A/C : 001-024728-0.
Mission Fund - DBS Bank A/C : 003-900856-2.
(During this period, if you still prefer to give via cheque, you may write our bank A/C no. at the back of your cheque. Cheques should be made payable “Changi Baptist Church” and mail it to us or drop it at any DBS bank.)