牧师职位空缺 - 华福聚会
樟宜浸信会(CBC)正在征求一位牧师来牧养我们的华福会众(约 40 人)。众所周知,CBC是一个以圣经为基础、以家庭为导向的教会,隶属于新加坡浸信联会。 牧师当以谦卑的精神服侍,效法基督般的品格;牧师为仆人式的牧者,他装备并发展关系以推进基督的福音,并鼓励神的子民效法基督的...
Equipping Everyone for Ministry and Maturity (Ephesians 4:12)
Date | Preacher | Sermon Topic |
28 Jun | Ps Kok Seng | Firsts in History (Genesis 2) |
4 Aug | Mr Jen Tan | Investment Principles for Christian Losers (
Matthew 6:19-21; 25:14-30; Philippians 3:7-8) |
11 Aug | Ps Kok Seng | Pride in Disguise! (Gen 3:1-6) |
11.30 a.m.
We're a Baptist Church, founded in 1976.
You may say we're casual or rather, people wear what they are comfortable with.
So ties or t-shirts, you're welcome!
Our worship is contemporary and our messages biblical, and definitely relevant to modern life in Singapore and abroad.
Ages range all the way from kids to "seniors".
So come and join us!